Insulation by application
- L-plokk LBS 100/150x400x585 mm
L-plokk LBS on loodud spetsiaalselt väikeelamu soojustatud plaatvundamendi ehitamise lihtsustamiseks ja koosneb liimitud tehases kokku kahest detailist. Mõõdud: 150x400x585x2485 ja 100x400x585x2500.
From €69.00 / item (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€ - Glasswool slab for innerwalls Terra 1250x610x66mmUrsa vaheseina soojustus, klaasvilla plaat Terra on soojajuhtivusteguriga 0,037W/mK. 1250x610x66mmSpecial Price €23.89 / pack Regular Price €33.90 (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€
- Sammumüra isoleeriv membraan NovasoundSammumüra summutav põrandakatte alusmaterjal, rullis 15m2€159.00 / roll (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€
- Niiskustõke puitkonstruktsiooniga müürile 125-250mm50m/rull. Puitkronstukstooni hüdroisoleerimiseks kivimüüriga või betoon müüri/vundamendiga jmt.From €27.79 / item (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€
- PIR insulation board ALU L-edge 1200x2400x (50 to 200mm)
PIR insulation board ALU L-edge is a very high thermal performance PIR insulation board, covered on both sides with an aluminium coating. The semi-circular edge, or L edge, ensures good thermal insulation of the joints. A flat roof insulation which, according to the manufacturer, is ideal for use on roofs,
From €29.90 / item (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€ - Flat roof insulation 30kPa 1200x2000, thicknesses 50-200
Flat roof insulation 30kPa 1200x2000
From €16.00 / item (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€ - Flat roof insulation 50kPa 1200x2000, thickness 40-160mm
Flat roof insulation 50kPa 1200x2000
From €14.90 / item (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€ - Flat roof insulation 60kPa 1200x2000, thickness 20-70mm
Flat roof insulation 60kPa 1200x2000
From €8.59 / item (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€ - Flat roof insulation 80kPa 1200x2000, thickness 20-70mm
Flat roof insulation 80kPa 1200x2000
From €11.49 / item (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€ - Lamekatuse soojustus 70kPa 1200x2000, paksused 30-100mm
Lamekatuse soojustus 70kPa 1200x2000
From €12.90 / item (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€ - EPS 120 perimeeter Supra 50-150mm (vundamendile)EPS SUPRA 1200x600, poolpunn soonegaFrom €45.00 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€
- EPS 100 Silver 50-150mmEPS 100 Silver 1200x1000mmFrom €71.90 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€
- EPS 60 fassaad poolpunn 50-150mmEPS 60 poolpunn soonega 1000x500mm, tagab parema soojapidavuse VUUKIDES.From €30.99 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€
- EPS 60 facade SILVER 50-150mmEPS 60 SILVER 50-150mmFrom €59.00 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€
- EPS 120 foundation Perimeter Pluss 50-100mmEPS 120 Perimeter Pluss 50-100mmFrom €47.00 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€
- Vundamendikate Delta-NB 20m/rull (kõrgus 1-2m)Vundamendikate 1m-1,5m-2m laiusegaFrom €34.99 / roll (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€
- EPS 60 Facade 50-150mmEPS 60 Facade 1000x600mmFrom €45.39 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€
- Bituumen hüdroisolatsioonimastiks vundamendile Nr 24 10kgHüdroisolatsioonimastiks vundamendile sobib nii puidu kui ka betooni katmiseks, saadaval 10kg ämbrites.€52.99 / item (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€
- Ehituskile must 3x100jm (300m2)Ehituskile must 3x100jm (300m2) - 120mkSpecial Price €100.00 / roll Regular Price €115.00 (VAT 23% incl.)Free dlv from 990€
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