Insulation by application

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Items 1-21 of 74

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  1. -30%
    Glasswool slab for innerwalls Terra 1250x610x66mm
    Ursa vaheseina soojustus, klaasvilla plaat Terra on soojajuhtivusteguriga 0,037W/mK. 1250x610x66mm
    Special Price €23.89 / pack Regular Price €33.90 (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  2. Sammumüra isoleeriv membraan Novasound
    Sammumüra summutav põrandakatte alusmaterjal, rullis 15m2
    €159.00 / roll (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  3. L-plokk LBS 100/150x400x585 mm

    L-plokk LBS on loodud spetsiaalselt väikeelamu soojustatud plaatvundamendi ehitamise lihtsustamiseks ja koosneb liimitud tehases kokku kahest detailist. Mõõdud: 150x400x585x2485 ja 100x400x585x2500.

    From €69.00 / item (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  4. From €6.67/m2
    Flat roof insulation 30kPa 1200x2000, thicknesses 50-200

    Flat roof insulation 30kPa 1200x2000

    From €16.00 / item (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  5. From €4.79/m2
    Flat roof insulation 80kPa 1200x2000, thickness 20-70mm

    Flat roof insulation 80kPa 1200x2000

    From €11.49 / item (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  6. From €6.21/m2
    Flat roof insulation 50kPa 1200x2000, thickness 40-160mm

    Flat roof insulation 50kPa 1200x2000

    From €14.90 / item (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  7. New
    Niiskustõke puitkonstruktsiooniga müürile 125-250mm
    50m/rull. Puitkronstukstooni hüdroisoleerimiseks kivimüüriga või betoon müüri/vundamendiga jmt.
    From €27.79 / item (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  8. EPS 60 fassaad poolpunn 50-150mm
    EPS 60 poolpunn soonega 1000x500mm, tagab parema soojapidavuse VUUKIDES.
    From €30.99 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  9. Ask for availability
    EPS 120 perimeeter Supra 50-150mm (vundamendile)
    EPS SUPRA 1200x600, poolpunn soonega
    From €45.00 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  10. -19%
    From €4.99/m2
    EPS 100 Silver 50-150mm
    EPS 100 Silver 1200x1000mm
    From €71.90 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  11. From €3.58/m2
    Flat roof insulation 60kPa 1200x2000, thickness 20-70mm

    Flat roof insulation 60kPa 1200x2000

    From €8.59 / item (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  12. Vundamendikate Delta-NB 20m/rull (kõrgus 1-2m)
    Vundamendikate 1m-1,5m-2m laiusega
    From €34.99 / roll (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  13. -34%
    From €6.30/m2
    EPS 60 Facade 50-150mm
    EPS 60 Facade 1000x600mm
    From €45.39 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  14. -25%
    From €8.19/m2
    EPS 60 facade SILVER 50-150mm
    EPS 60 SILVER 50-150mm
    From €59.00 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  15. -39%
    From €1.68/m2
    EPS 80 floor 25-100mm
    EPS 80 floor 25-100mm
    From €48.49 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  16. -27%
    From €2.01/m2
    EPS 100 floor 50-100mm
    EPS 100 floor 50-100mm
    From €57.99 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  17. -41%
    From €3.92/m2
    EPS 120 foundation Perimeter Pluss 50-100mm
    EPS 120 Perimeter Pluss 50-100mm
    From €47.00 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  18. -31%
    From €2.96/m2
    Klaasvill plaadis ULTRA 33, paksused 50-100-150mm
    Klaasvill plaadis ULTRA lambda 0,033 W/mk - 1250x565, paksused 50-100-150mm.
    From €23.39 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  19. -24%
    From €2.38/m2
    PAROC Ultra kivivill 565x1220 mm
    Paksus 50-200 mm, soojusjuhtivusega 0,035 W/mK.
    From €23.00 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  20. -24%
    From €2.38/m2
    PAROC Ultra kivivill 565x1220 mm
    Paksus 50-200 mm, soojusjuhtivusega 0,035 W/mK.
    From €23.00 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  21. Bituumen hüdroisolatsioonimastiks vundamendile Nr 24 10kg
    Hüdroisolatsioonimastiks vundamendile sobib nii puidu kui ka betooni katmiseks, saadaval 10kg ämbrites.
    €52.99 / item (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
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Items 1-21 of 74

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Enim ostudega tooted selles kategoorias
  1. Kivivill plaadis SUPERROCK 35 paksus 50-150mm
    From €2.59/m2
    Rockwool slab SUPERROCK 35 thickness 50-150mm
    From €20.79 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  2. Recticel PIR plaadid fooliumiga 2400x1200x100mm
    Recticel PIR boards with alufoil 100x1200x2400mm
    Special Price €51.90 / item Regular Price €90.00 From €49.90 (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  3. Isover RKL 31 facade, paksus 30mm - 15.12m2
    Isover RKL 31 facade 1200x1800x30mm - 15,12m2
    Special Price €185.00 / pack Regular Price €225.00 (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
  4. Klaasvilla plaat Premium 35, paksused 50-100-150mm
    From €2.21/m2
    Klaasvilla plaat Premium 35, paksused 50-100-150mm
    From €28.10 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)
    Free dlv from 990€
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