Puidukruvi 5,0mm Essve Torx25 - välitingimustesse

Keskmise pikkusega puidukruvid 5,0x(40-100mm), TX25, CorrSeal

From €14.49 / pack (VAT 23% incl.)
Availability: 3 to 5 days
Availability: 3 to 5 days
Free dlv from 500€

Transport information

The transport cost is calculated for you in the shopping cart and depends on the quantity of products and the destination. Add the products to the shopping cart, select the county, and you will automatically see the transport prices and options.

With standard delivery ordered products are on the truck and the buyer is responsible for unloading.

Most cases we deliver all over the Scandinavia within a week. Exact delivery date and time will be agreed by customer service.

More information link.

Project sales

To receive a quote for the Homer Project Sales, you need to add the products to the shopping cart and place the order without payment by selecting (payment via bank transfer). In the comments box, write that you wish to receive a quote.

For larger construction project orders, you can also contact us directly via email at projekt@eHomer.ee, where our specialists will take over and find the most suitable solutions for collaboration.

 Generally, the best conditions for purchasing from the online store apply to orders ranging from 2000 to 3000 euros. Beyond that, it depends on the product selection and quantities to determine how much our project sales team can work wonders with the prices.


Puidukruvi ESSDRIVE sobib enamikuks kinnitustöödeks puitlaastplaatides, puidus, plastis, ehitusrautistes, tüüblites jne.

Termotöödeldud puitmaterjali puhul kasutada ainult roostevabast materjalist puidukruve.

Kruvi on valmistatud karastatud terasest ja sel on välistingimustesse sobiv CorrSeali pinnatöötlus. Kruvil on TX-pesa. Patenditud kujuga kruviots kinnitub kiiresti puidu sisse. Ka kruvipea on patenditud kujuga ning vähendab pindude teket ja tagab kena lõpptulemuse. 70 mm pikkustel ja pikematel kruvidel on vahetult tavalise puidukeerme järel täiendav freeskeere, mis lihtsustab pikemate ja jämedamate kruvide kinnitamist. Kruvipea on varustatud lõikekeermetega, mis lõikavad puidukiud läbi ja süvistavad kruvi, et pind jääks sile ja pindudeta. Kruvi saab suurepäraselt kasutada ka süvistatud ehitusrautistega, kuna kruvipeal pole väljaulatuvaid osi. Kruvi vastab CE-märgistuse nõuetele standardi EN 14592 kohaselt.

Pea kujuKumerpea
Materjal, kuhu kinnitataksePuit
Soovituslikud pöörded (p/min)400-2000
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